AF Project developed documents for it Component 1 Outcome of Strengthened policy and institutional capacity of government to integrate climate risk and resilience into its water and coastal management legislative, regulatory and policy framework
All the platform documents will be saved here for reference.
Emergency division tabletop exercise in Kosrae- October 25-27, 2023
To further amend title 2 of the Code of the Federated States of
Micronesia (Annotated), as amended, by amending section 203 and 204
thereof, to dissolve the Office of Environment and Emergency
Management, to empower the President of the Federated States of
Micronesia to transition the functions of the dissolved office, and for
other purposes.
FSM GCF Food Security Newsletter volumes 1 -6
This statement was produced by the WMO RA-V Pacific Regional Climate Centre Network following the 13th
Pacific Islands Climate Outlook Forum (PICOF-13) held on 23-24 October 2023, for use by National
Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in the Pacific Islands.
Data Management System Project
All the document on the jcrp website.