Federated States of Micronesia

Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)

(Updated 2022)

  • Ambitious Climate Action

    At the 27th Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, President David Panuelo launched the FSM’s updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). As a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), the FSM is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. At the same time, the FSM must address persistent challenges of poverty alleviation, food and water security, energy access, and providing education and quality health care to its population. This updated NDC integrates all of these sustainable development priorities into an ambitious plan for climate action.

    "We are in this together. Let our ambitious NDC be a call to action that reflects our appreciation of all Parties’ joint commitment to act," stated President Panuelo. "To read our NDC is to understand how our future in the FSM, as in all small island developing states, is deeply intertwined with climate change. Our near-term priorities, our medium-term plans, our long-term opportunities — all of these are enormously shaped by climate change.”


    NDC Highlights

    Energy Security

    Increased access to energy: The FSM has set a goal of achieving 100% access to energy by the end of the decade.

    Large-scale renewable energy deployment: The FSM plans to increase renewable energy to over 70% of power generation by 2030, and to over 85% of power generation by 2040.

    Reduced reliance on fossil fuels: The FSM aims to reduce fossil fuel use for electrical generation by 80% over the next two decades

    Significant CO2 reductions: As a result of replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy, the FSM expects to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generation by more than 65% below 2000 levels.

    Energy efficiency improvements: The FSM recognizes that efficient use of energy results in lower overall costs, fewer emissions and more sustainable systems. One of FSM’s featured efficiency programs is its initiative to improve energy efficiency in public sector buildings.

    Short-Lived Climate Pollutants

    Proven leadership on SLCPs:  As the first country to propose a global initiative to address Short-Lived Climate Pollutants and the first to propose phasing down HFCs under the Montreal Protocol, the FSM has over a decade of global leadership on SLCPs.

    HFCs: The FSM looks forward to fulfilling its obligations under the Kigali Amendment, potentially in advance of the required schedule if resources are available.

    Black Carbon: The FSM will greatly reduce black carbon emissions with its move from diesel-powered electricity to renewable energy.

    Methane: The FSM has also signed the Global Methane Pledge and looks forward to undertaking a national methane inventory and assessment of potential abatement opportunities.

    Food Security

    Improving food security is a critical adaptation priority in the FSM, as climate change drives loss of arable land to sea-level rise, saltwater intrusion into soil and freshwater lenses, reduced crop yields, and migration of important fisheries.

    GCF Project to increase Local Food Production: A new GCF-funded project will significantly increase domestic food production by (i) establishing an enabling environment for adaptive action and investment, (ii) enhancing food security of vulnerable households by introducing climate-smart agriculture practices, and (iii) strengthening climate-resilient value-chains and market linkages across the agriculture sector.

    Coconut National Export Strategy: CocoNES will help local farmers to bring their coconut products to market domestically and internationally as an important export. Coconuts will be processed by local workers into healthy, value-added products. In addition to increasing food security, CocoNES will provide alternative income streams and good paying jobs.

    Water Security

    Climate change presents numerous threats to water security in the FSM. Sea-level rise and more severe storm surge are causing saltwater intrusion into freshwater resources. Changes in precipitation patterns, including more prolonged droughts, may also decrease the recharge of natural and artificial reservoirs. Protracted La Niña-like conditions have already provoked water shortages, which required the provision of emergency water supplies.

    Universal Access to Clean Water: Extending and modernizing the FSM’s water system is an urgent climate change adaptation priority. With the support of a USD $3 million grant from the European Union, the FSM is developing new master plans for water, sanitation, and transport under the Access to Water through Renewable Energy Project, which includes the objective to make all water solutions carbon neutral/negative and powered by 100% renewable energy.


    Public Health

    Climate change is projected to have many negative impacts on public health in the Pacific region, including increased vector-borne disease (VBD), such as dengue fever, Zika, and Chikungunya virus, food borne disease (FBD), and water borne disease (WBD). Strengthening public health systems will be an important adaptation response to climate change. Priority actions include:

    • Establishing a surveillance system to detect and monitor VBD, WBD, and FBD,
    • Providing all medical personnel and public health officials with training in the detection and treatment of VBD, WBD, and FBD, and
    • Equipping all hospitals and other relevant medical facilities to receive and effectively treat patients suffering from VBD, WBD, and FBD.

    Ecosystems Management

    The FSM prioritizes an integrated approach to ecosystems management, aimed at understanding the links between, and the stresses upon, its various ecosystems in order to conserve natural resources, protect biodiversity and enhance and sustain livelihoods.

    The Micronesia Challenge:  Along with Palau, the Marshall Islands, Guam and the Northern Marianas Islands, the FSM has committed to effectively manage 50% of marine resources and 30% of terrestrial resources by 2030.

    Ridge to Reef Project:  The project unites state and national actors across the government and communities to implement Integrated Land Management Plans and preserve protected areas. Together these efforts build resilience by protecting biodiversity, improving water quality and quantity, and reducing erosion and coastal flooding.

    Sustainable Fishing:  The FSM has developed an effective monitoring program for long-line fishing vessels and will require biodegradable, non-entangling Fish Aggregating Devices.


    Resilient Transport Systems

    Roadways:  Through the Pave the Nation program, the FSM plans to rehabilitate, climate-proof and expand its network of roadways by 2030.

    Ports and Airports:  The FSM also plans to rehabilitate, climate-proof and expand its principal ports and airports by 2030.


    Emergency Management & Response

    Integrated State and National Governance:  The FSM continues to strengthen its comprehensive state and national governance regime for emergency management and response. Much of this regime is detailed in the FSM’s Integrated Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Policy of 2013 and our National Disaster Response Plan of 2017. Future plans include updating this Response Plan, completing nationwide GIS mapping, and securing additional vessels for inter-state transportation and emergency response operations.
