14 results

This excel file include four spreadsheets each representing a separate theme (EMG = Environmental Monitoring and Governance, IOE = Island and Ocean Ecosystems, CCR = Climate Change Resilience, WMPC = waste). Within each theme are the core national environment indicators (scrolling from left to right).

Metadata file for the GIS data (raster and shapefiles) for the global threats to coral reefs: acidification, future thermal stress, integrated future threats, and past thermal stress.

Metadata file for the GIS data (raster and shapefiles) for the local threats to coral reefs: coastal development, integrated local, marine pollution, overfishing, and watershed pollution.

Annual catch for FSM - flagged and national fleet within WCPFC convention area.

Fish Market Data Sales in 2004 - 2018 total

The PPT file explains SPREP's procurement procedure. Please study and apply the process.

This file is a template for planning your activities on a calendar, as Ymee had shared with all of us while we were in Kosrae.

Full metadata description: all details concerning the spatial dataset.

This powerpoint document is for the continuation of the FSM Natural Disasters Timeline in the FSM from 2013-2019. This document is compiled according to all the four states JSAPs. For further information on this, please refer to the State's JSAPs. Created by Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management- FSM National Government

general garbage oil spillage metal leakages chemicals