998 results

Thisstudy provided the repeatable analysis framework to estimate the coastal population by utilizing the best available global and national datasets in Pacific (poor data environment).

Online open access to the full research contents

For comments and feedback

Freedom of information laws could arguably be based on five fundamental principles – namely:
1. the principle of maximum disclosure
2. the principle of openness
3. the principle of limited exemptions
4. the principle of access
5. the principle of fairness and equity

This guide was written for governments, community groups and NGOs to address coastal protection issues through ecosystem based adaptation interventions. The work was developed as a partnership between SPREP and the University of Tasmania with funding from Australian Aid and the participation of the governments of Kiribati, Samoa, Vanuatu and Tonga.

Link to the online MGCP Topographic Dataset - free download

Pacific Women in Geospatial Magazine, November 25, 2019, Volume 1, Issue 1.

Link to online map viewer to search by geographic location, invasive species or eradication detail.
You can export and download your search results as a csv table or high resolution map.

Documentation for the SPREP Inform project - please refer to this site for all latest documents on the Data Portal and Indicator Reporting Tool.

PowerPoint presentation on the Inform project.

PowerPoint presentation on the building blocks and features of the environment data portals.

PowerPoint presentation with tips on good practices, when uploading data to the environment data portals.

At the end of a training, you can ask participants to fill in this Action Plan. The goal is to link learning to performance.

Fauna & Flora International (FFI). 2020. An Assessment of the Risks and Impacts of Seabed Mining on
Marine Ecosystems. FFI: Cambridge U.K. Available from: www.fauna-flora.org

Minter T, Orirana G, Boso D and van der Ploeg J. 2018. From happy hour to hungry hour: Logging, fisheries and food security in Malaita, Solomon Islands. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Program Report: 2018-07.

This policy applies requests for data held by a Ministry. The purpose of this policy is to:
• encourage the free exchange of data within a Ministry, with other government agencies within the country and with the public, as appropriate
• ensure that sensitive information (including commercially sensitive data) held by the Ministry is not compromised.

Memorandum of Understanding between two parties, for the exchange of data, related information and other services.

Memorandum of Understanding between SPREP and a Country, to facilitate the access to, and security of, all data entered into the national database.

Dunstan et al. 2018. Bioregions of the South West Pacific Ocean. CSIRO, Australia.